“I thought the session provided a space to really explore a thought… the idea that the thought need not be one that the participant believed in or was committed to was very enlightening. Creating a space where you could just say what popped into your head and explore it and see how far it could go. The ‘agreeing’ or ‘disagreeing’ was useful to keep the discussion on track and focussed, forcing one to make a point of view or be an observer. So often we question to no aim for just the sake of conversation, or skirt around an issue so not to be in disagreement. The act of ‘officially’ agreeing or disagreeing allowed me to enter a non-emotional state where the statement or thought could be truly explored. The act of putting up hands and taking turns created time to explore ones statement internally and to appreciate and listen to each of the given points. Very useful for me as I talk quickly and without always thinking…In my mind the conversation/statements created a visual of basket of layered sticks, which expanded quickly around some statements and then collapsed in on themselves as participants got caught up in semantics. In total it created a safe space to explore any notion on the topic without judgement or offense. A space where new ideas would arrive much quicker than in a debate setting where participants may have already made their internal standpoints and would defend that no matter what, which is probably why debates get heated very quickly. I can’t imagine that the Philosophical Inquiry would become heated often… though I may be wrong. I am very excited by the process and would love to try it again, I’d love to try it focused around a work of art.”
— Debbie Cooper, Participation Curator, QUAD Gallery for 2011 ENGAGE conference in Margate
“The whole thing has informed me as a practitioner and as a person. I suppose using and trusting the silence and the art-works to evoke feelings and ideas is something I found useful to be told to trust myself. Also mixing with other thinkers and artists, being in a creative environment, an open environment and a trusting environment. You were able to make this happen’”
“With participants sat in a big circle, and no props of any kind, Ayisha stayed outside and moderated a “group dialogue”, with consummate skill. The process elicited wide-ranging, divergent and often very surprising views. She set strict rules to prevent chaos; everyone listened and contributed, and most went away with a lot to think about.”
— Best Workshop finalist at RESEARCH 2011 MRS Annual conference, St Paul’s, London
“We have used the discussion format for a Smoking discussion, several communications discussions and discussions at the arts award sessions – some students also suggested we have that style of discussion even when we had not planned it that way. They all seemed to like it as a way of running discussions. The students seemed much more willing to listen to one another and the level of discussions has been much higher. It has also definitely helped staff, changed the language we and the students use and has been good to talk about thoughts rather than feelings…the structure makes sure everyone is included, given an opportunity to join in and it seemed as though they felt more able to contribute’.
‘I enjoyed the training very much. It was good to work with the team about working with the students to value thinking as well as doing. This is something I think is so important to young people in developing their investigative skills, learning about and how to tolerate different opinions and arguments and in making good decisions about their future and their aspirations”
“I found the dialogue session to be a very stimulating experience. I enjoyed being able to explore my own thoughts and feelings, to be able to feel comfortable expressing or giving voice to ideas within the context of a group discussion which did not have that competitive/josling for position edge which can often silence people or inhibit group discussion. It provided space for concepts, ideas and thoughts to develop, in a way which felt limitless, many of which I have returned to and spent time contemplating since. I particularly valued it as an exercise which levelled participants – making discussion non hierarchical. The rules were fair and effective in creating a safe environment for people to speak and be listened to without fear of ideas being rubbished, or belittled. A very creative, thought provoking experience, I would definitely like to attend again’.
‘I was really pleased with the way this session went. Nearly all participants entered into the discussion voluntarily at least once during the session, which was great. The session succeeded in allowing students the freedom to share ideas, to stimulate reflection and enquiry, to listen and learn from others, to engage with art works on a very sophisticated level, to explore and refine their own ideas and understanding of the creative processes. Many of the students have acknowledged that they have taken ideas and new perspectives on the creative process and have been able to apply them to their own work and practice”
“It was a real experience of being in a dialogue. I found the specific rules about how to conduct the inquiry really new and interesting – surprisingly simple but effective in keeping people in an emotionally neutral thinking mode”.
“I Have attended ‘circle times’ with children and teacher training discussion groups/workshops – but they were more limited in their effectiveness, I think. I also went away thinking of ways the practice could be used in the education setting”.
“I do think that academic departments would find it a really powerful tool -especially at the start of courses when introducing modules/topics that are new to students. I can imagine dialogues could help to break down false notions and make important concepts/words accessible to students in a very comfortable unthreatening way.”
— Tutor supporting dyslexic students at degree level, DIALOGUE SERIES I, LONDON 2008
“I can see an application for this type of activity in any company for brainstorming sessions and also generating and developing a single concept.”
“I think a sense of bonding/cohesion came out of the session I went to (maybe because of the subject matter) because it feels like a collaborative effort and a very positive thing.”